Saturday, August 28, 2010

Roller Coaster

It has been a total emotional roller coaster this week. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I will finally get to see my son on Sept. 1st since he shipped out to Military Boot Camp Training on June 21st.

It is the culmination of his dream and the realization that I have turned over to the US Army my only son and my baby. But, I am proud of him and what he has accomplished at 17 yrs. of age. What an amazing young man he is and how I love him.

This is exciting for us, can't wait to be able to hug and kiss him and tell him how proud we, his sisters, grandparents are of him and how much we love him.

By they way, we are bringing him his Twinkies and Cookies and Cream chocolate bar as per his request, hope that he doesn't eat them all in one sitting and get sick - might have to dole them out one at a time.

Congratulations to all the parents, families, spouses whose loved ones are also graduating during this week.

Congratulations to D CO 2-10 IN 2nd PLT, Unit 42 - WOLVERINES!!!!!!!

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